Annual Registration FY24-25

For the first time, the Rent Program is requiring an annual registration statement for each fully regulated rental unit. This represents a shift from the Rent Registry’s first four years of operation, when landlords only had to register new tenancies and pay the annual program fee once they had completed an initial registration statement.

The Rent Program is committed to helping landlords navigate this change. Staff is available to answer registration questions by email or phone. We will also be hosting registration clinics starting in June.

Important Dates

Beginning June 1, 2024, Landlords may use the Rent Registry to submit registration and pay program fees online. Most landlords who submit online registration will be able to pay the program fee by credit card or e-check immediately afterward.

The Rent Program is also now accepting registration using Form RP-221(B)(PDF, 340KB).

For landlords who have not paid the fee by July 1, 2024, an invoice will be mailed to the address on file in the Rent Registry. If registration has not been received by that point, the invoice will be based on the registration information currently in the registry.

Both annual registration and program fees are due by August 31, 2024.


Register by Form

Register Online

Pay Online

Pay by Check 


Registration & Payment Due

May 2024



August 31, 2024

 June 2024
JULY - August


Annual Program Fees

The annual registration statement and payment of the annual program fee are two related but separate requirements.

Beginning June 1, 2024, most landlords will be able to pay the program fee online by credit card or e-check as soon as they have submitted their annual registration statement via the Rent Registry.

Landlords who have not paid online by July 1, 2024, will receive an invoice in the mail with instructions on how to pay by check. While registration forms should be submitted directly to the Rent Program, check payments should be mailed to the P.O. Box indicated on the invoice.

The fee is owed on any residential unit that will be rented to a tenant at any time during the City’s fiscal year, from July 1 to June 30 of the following calendar year. No fee is owed for rental units occupied by rent-subsidized tenants, e.g. Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) recipients. For more information, see the Annual Program Fee Schedule.

Regulation Type

Per-Unit Fee for 2024-2025

Fully Regulated Units


Partially Regulated Units


Rent-Subsidized Units

$ 0

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are landlords now required to submit annual registration?

Many landlords were confused by annual mailings disclosing the Maximum Allowable Rent or MAR, as defined in the Rent Ordinance, for each rental unit. In many cases, the landlord was not permitted to immediately increase the rent to the MAR due to the Rent Ordinance’s restrictions on banked rent increases. We have heard your feedback. Collecting data on current rents will allow us to provide much clearer, precise guidance about exactly how much a landlord may increase the rent for a particular rental unit in compliance with local law, taking banking regulations into account. We hope this will be beneficial for landlords and tenants alike.

Furthermore, the Rent Ordinance does require an annual registration statement. See Section 6-58.35(I), Alameda Municipal Code (AMC). This provision was not enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, however.

What information needs to be submitted? 

Landlords will primarily be asked to provide the current rent and date of last rent increase for any units rented to tenants, as well as an update on any changes to the info the landlord submitted with initial registration. As with previous years, landlords will also have an opportunity to apply for any new exemptions before paying the annual program fee.

How do I submit annual registration?

The Rent Program strongly recommends that landlords submit registration using the online Rent Registry. The registry is a one-stop location where landlords can review the information currently in the registry, provide any updates, apply for exemptions, and pay the annual program fee all at once. The registry opens for the 2024-2025 program years starting June 1, 2024.

As of May 1, 2024, the Rent Program is also accepting registration using the newly revised Form RP-221(B)(PDF, 340KB), which may be submitted by email, U.S. mail, or the drop box in the lobby of City Hall West. Landlords using the form will need to re-submit much of the information they provided with initial registration. 

How do I notify the Rent Program that I have given a tenant multiple Annual General Adjustment increases since submitting initial registration?

Alameda landlords have now had multiple opportunities to impose a valid Annual General Adjustment since the initial registration period in 2020 but were not required to report them at the time. The Rent Program advises landlords now submitting annual registration via the online Rent Registry to report each of these increases individually using the "Report AGA Rent Increase(PDF, 389KB)" function. Doing so will aid processing and avoid additional follow-up from Rent Program staff.

After this initial year for annual registration, any landlord who submitted a registration statement the previous year should not need to worry about reporting multiple rent increases and can simply update the current rent if necessary.

For landlords registering by form, RP-221(B) does not have space to report individual rent increases. Landlords may provide their own supplemental attachment or use Form RP-221(F)(PDF, 104KB), which has lines to report up to five individual rent increases.

What happens if registration and/or fee payment is not submitted by August 31, 2024?

Landlords who fail to submit annual registration or pay the annual program fees are considered non-compliant with the Rent Ordinance. If a landlord is out of compliance, they cannot lawfully raise rents and/or file a petition for upward adjustment of rent, including Capital Improvement Petitions. Being substantially out of compliance may result in:

  • Mailing of non-compliance letters with a copy sent to affected tenants
  • Late fees of 10% per unit per month for not paying annual program fees
  • Additional penalties and administrative citations. 

How do I request an exemption from the annual program fee for an owner-occupied unit?

Any owner-occupied unit previously approved for a fee exemption will remain exempt, and you will not be billed for the program fee for that unit.

If a unit that was previously rented to a tenant is now owner occupied, you will need to submit an exemption request prior to making payment. New exemption requests must be made by no later than August 1, 2024, or you may be required to pay the program fee for the unit. Exemption requests may be made using the online Rent Registry or by submitting Form RP-221(D)(PDF, 163KB).

How do I request an exemption from the annual program fee for a vacant unit?

Only units that will be vacant for the entire fiscal year, from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, are eligible for a fee exemption. If you intend to rent a currently vacant unit during the fiscal year, you must pay the entire program fee for the unit.

Whether a unit was vacant and exempted from last year’s fee or is newly vacant, prior to making payment:

  • Landlords registering online will need to submit a new exemption request.
  • Landlords registering by form may include a signed and dated statement with their registration indicating that the unit will not be rented until at least June 30, 2025.

What about partially regulated units?

 At this time, landlords of partially regulated units are not required to submit an annual registration statement.

Landlords of partially regulated units that are being rented to a tenant (a) for the first time or (b) after being approved previously for an exemption must submit initial registration within 30 calendar days of establishing the tenancy. Registration may be submitted using form RP-223(PDF, 167KB), or contact Rent Program staff to submit online registration.

What if I never submitted initial registration?

For both fully regulated and partially regulated units with established tenancies, landlords who have not yet submitted initial registration are out of compliance with the Rent Ordinance and  must submit initial registration immediately. Please reach out to Rent Program staff for help coming into compliance.

Where can I find complete registration requirements?

Administrative regulations to implement provisions of the Rent Ordinance concerning rent registration, payment of program fees, and exemption procedures have been revised in preparation for annual registration. See Regulation 20-01(PDF, 207KB) for fully regulated units and Regulation 20-04(PDF, 200KB) for partially regulated units.

What assistance is there for landlords who have never used the online Rent Registry?

See the Rent Registry User Guide, including new video tutorials.

The Rent Program is hosting registration clinics in the Alameda Free Library computer lab. To register, visit the Workshops & Clinics page.

Landlords can also make an appointment for one-on-one assistance from Rent Program staff at City Hall West or online via Zoom. Contact the Rent Program to make an appointment.

Landlords who have not yet set up a registry account may do so at Once you have created the account, you will need a PIN to add your property to your account. Reach out Rent Program staff to request a PIN.