Past Notices

VIEW RP NOTICE 003-16(PDF, 132KB) Rent Review, Rent Stabilization and Limitations on Evictions Ordinance Information Brochure - 09/19/16


VIEW RP NOTICE 002-16(PDF, 68KB) Landlord Noticing Requirements - 03/30/16


VIEW RP NOTICE 001-16(PDF, 388KB) Rent Stabilization Announcement Letter -03/16/16
Español(PDF, 517KB)中文(PDF, 166KB)Tiếng Việt(PDF, 558KB)Tagalog(PDF, 515KB)


Adjusted Relocation Assistance

Announcement of new amounts effective January 1, 2017(PDF, 130KB)

Announcement of new amounts effective January 1, 2018(PDF, 236KB)

Announcement of new amounts effective January 1, 2019(PDF, 335KB)

For current Permanent Relocation Payment amounts, please click here.